Thursday, August 29, 2013

Elijah's birth story

Oh my heck what a week it has been!!! Having two children is a lot more work then I ever expected it to be.. BUT I wouldn't have it Any other way:) 
On Wednesday last week my mom,cousin,grandma and my friend Samantha convinced me to take some castor oil and orange juice to try and get me to go into labor. It was around 3pm when I took 2tbls of it (it wasn't bad at all) about 30 minutes after I started to feel nauseous.. We took Lola for a walk around the block before bedtime and when we got back I was super sore and tired. I started having contractions around 5ish. I went to bed and slept a little I woke up at 3:30am with a super painful contraction and I knew it was time. So we headed to the hospital they checked me and I was at 3cm 50%. 
They waited an hr through my contractions am checked me again I was now at 4cm. So they decided to keep me :) my doctor came in and broke my water am I immediately went to a 5cm!! I then got my epidural and they gave me a little pitocin to speed things up a little. I started puking and my blood pressure started dropping and I felt like I was going to pass out.. That went away after a little while so we decided to play skip Bo (my fav card game) up until about 5 mins before they had me start pushing. She checked me I was at a 10 and it was time! I pushed 2x and the doctor said if I laughed he would probably come out so I laughed an out came our precious baby boy :) it was the easiest delivery! I felt no pain what so ever:)))) 

This is Mr. Elijah John Amos weighing 7lbs 4oz and is 18 3/4 in. Long. He is perfect!!

1 comment:

  1. Such a Sweet little face! So happy for your little family!! Can't wait till you're back in Az and we can have cousin time with our littles!
