Wednesday, November 27, 2013

November 2013

This month has been super fun! 
I officially started my new job as the Preschool Volunteer Coordinator at our church! The last couple weeks have been information overload but I know this is what God has called me to do⛪️

My parents came down and we had an early Thanksgiving dinner and Lola's 2nd birthday. Here are some pictures of their stay. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 2013

Yay another blog post is due:) 
This once a month thing works out better! 

So many things have been happening in our lives it's both a blessing and stressful!... First I wanna start with updating each of us and what's going on individually.. 
This guy is the rock of this family! He leaves his family for weeks at a time and I know it is hard on him. He is about to take his advancement test next month and we are praying he does well enough to advance. On top of that he is getting ready to deploy for 6 months.. This is where it will get very tough for our growin family. He will miss the kids birthdays and miss out on 6 months of their lives. It's upsetting to think about but it is what he longs to do. 
I have been getting more and more involved with our church and I couldn't be more happy! I volunteer and help out with the kinder kids but I have an interview to become the head coordinator of the pre-k kids! I am so so excited to have the opportunity to serve god and it's truly a blessing for me to be able to do what I love again. Me and the kids will be moving back to AZ come April while Lance is deployed and I can't wait to become part of Heart Cry!!
Miss Sassy Pants of all sassy pants'. We are still going through a rough patch with her attitude but slowly are getting better everyday. She is now almost FULLY potty trained!!! Wahoo! I never thought I'd see the day lol. She has gone 4 days in underwear with no accidents! She says full sentences now and turns the big TWO years old in November! 

He is now 2 months old yay! He laughs and smiles and cries and poops and sleeps! He sleeps through the night now finally :) he is now the length of a newborn only the 8th % for height :( poor buddy is going to be on the short side! 

Here are some pics of the happenings this month :)

We took the kids to the Houston Zoo for Halloween.

We started a naughty chair to hopefully help with our rough stage with Lola 

She can be super sweet:)

My sister and the kids came for a fun visit!

Our family pumpkins of 2013. I know we are super lame with our carving skills but lance gets way to mad when he carves and I always seem to mess mine up so we took the easy route :)

See you guys next month!!!


Monday, September 23, 2013

Updates finally!!!

I have come to the conclusion that with having a husband that is gone for weeks at a time and two children posting a blog every week is just nearly impossible. 
I have time to take care of the babies and sleep that's about it :/ so blogging once a month seems more realistic to me and if I can get more then one in a month well that's just a bonus:) 
An update on our Prince...
He is now almost 5 weeks old! He is weighing a whopping 9 pounds right now and is 20 in long. He has 2 clogged tear ducts that got infected so he has to have ointment in his eyes 3x a day for ten days . The Dr. said that he could have this for 9 months! Poor guy.. He loves to be held and only wakes up one time in the middle of the night! 
And now an update on the Princess of the house..
He pretty much runs the show aroun here! I have always said that I would never raise a spoiled child but that is easier said then done unfortunately. At first I thought she was acting out because of all the changes going on in our lives right now, and I still believe that has some affect on her attitude, but I now have come to the conclusion that she has hit her sassy two's! It's hard to believe she will be two years old in November! She has suddenly started arguing, spitting, throwing some awesome fits, and wants to do everything by herself! It has been a learning experience for the both of us but I am trying to stay consistent with consequences for her actions..<---easier said then done! 
I do have to say when she isn't bein sassy she is te sweetest most precious little girl! She loves loves her baby brother and showers him with kisses all day long and always says thank you, please, and sorry when she hurts anyone or does something he isn't supposed to! We make sure to give her kisses and let her know how much she is loved by her daddy and I! 
I love having two babies around the house it keeps me very busy! Which is good because if you know me I have to be working not sittin around and since I have made te decision not to go bac to work I heb to have something that keeps me going all day long:) 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

More exhausted then ever!

Our little Elijah is 2 weeks old! Can you believe it's already been two weeks?? :( 
All Lance and I had been doing is lounging around and napping whenever we get the chance! Having two little ones is hard work!! We did get super lucky though Eli sleeps 4-6 hrs in between feedings which is AWESOME! But Lola wakes up at 5:30-6:00 every morning so there is no sleeping in in this house :(
Lola has been amazing with her little buddy! We have tried to include her in as much as possible when it comes to feeding and diapering him and letting her hold him whenever she asks. She loves to take his bink and run off with it lol... 
We took Elijah's newborn photos last week and one of them was a USCG picture where my friend had made Elijah a hat that they where with their dress uniform and the Coast Guard contacted the photographer and asked if they could use it on the official website :) when I get the link I will post it! Here are a few of them that we took. 

           2 weeks postpartum

              Baby and daddy <3

           She's in love with her buddy!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Elijah's birth story

Oh my heck what a week it has been!!! Having two children is a lot more work then I ever expected it to be.. BUT I wouldn't have it Any other way:) 
On Wednesday last week my mom,cousin,grandma and my friend Samantha convinced me to take some castor oil and orange juice to try and get me to go into labor. It was around 3pm when I took 2tbls of it (it wasn't bad at all) about 30 minutes after I started to feel nauseous.. We took Lola for a walk around the block before bedtime and when we got back I was super sore and tired. I started having contractions around 5ish. I went to bed and slept a little I woke up at 3:30am with a super painful contraction and I knew it was time. So we headed to the hospital they checked me and I was at 3cm 50%. 
They waited an hr through my contractions am checked me again I was now at 4cm. So they decided to keep me :) my doctor came in and broke my water am I immediately went to a 5cm!! I then got my epidural and they gave me a little pitocin to speed things up a little. I started puking and my blood pressure started dropping and I felt like I was going to pass out.. That went away after a little while so we decided to play skip Bo (my fav card game) up until about 5 mins before they had me start pushing. She checked me I was at a 10 and it was time! I pushed 2x and the doctor said if I laughed he would probably come out so I laughed an out came our precious baby boy :) it was the easiest delivery! I felt no pain what so ever:)))) 

This is Mr. Elijah John Amos weighing 7lbs 4oz and is 18 3/4 in. Long. He is perfect!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A little late :/

Ok things have been sooo hectic around here these past couple of weeks and I am finally getting the chance to update the blog.. Sorry :/ 

On Sunday I was in the hospital with a ton of painful contractions but they weren't changing my cervix so I was sent home :/ but my mom and grandma drove down here the next day to help me and be here with me when the baby finally makes his debut. So I have been doing all the final touches to Eli and Lola's room and hanging out with the family trying to walk walk.. 
Today we went to church and then went to get my cousin from the airport because she got time off to come be with us and celebrate Eli's arrival! We are so blessed to have family who are willing to put their lives on hold to come be with us. 
We have been battling a middle ear infection with Lola which if you don't know she has tubes in her ears due to a recurring double ear infection. She goes again to see her ENT tomorrow after we have tried 2 different ear drops with her that haven't cleared it up yet:/ poor baby!  Lets pray they can get it figured out so she isn't in pain much longer...
Here are some pictures of the room and some random ones of the past few weeks:) 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Our weekly happenings...

       The past week has been one of the hardest weeks for me physically and emotionally..
I went to the doctor for a check up on Monday and I now weigh 134 and am dilated to a 1cm still. I have been experiencing a lot of pressure which leads to no sleep which leads to an overly emotional pregnant girl :( but on the bright side I only have a total of 27 more days until my due date!!!!! AMEN :) I am so ready to have our sweet Eli here so I can love on him!
On Tuesday it was my 22nd brithday so Lance being the awesome guy he is took me out to the Cheesecake Factory. I ahve never been there but for desert I got the Oreo Dream Extreme ahhhhh maazzing!!! Then we went to Khols and he got me a gift card to use after I am back down to my pre pregnancy weight to get some clothes to wear! whoohoo go me :)
On Thursday we had a morale event for the Coast Guard that was held at the Moody Gardens Palm Beach. We had never been there before and it was sooo much fun! I wasn't going to get wet due to me having a massive basketball infront of me but this mushroom tower I was standing under had other plans for me :) Lola had a blast as well even though she doesn't like water very much she got to play with her friend Serena.
On Friday and today we all started feeling under the weather so we have been laying low watching movies. Which consisted of 3 or 4 replays of Toy Story :( anything to make Lola happy while mommy and daddy got some rest :)

Tomorrow we are attending church which for us it is an all day event being as our church is about 45 minutes away from our house but we love it :) We are in the series of SolomonKnows right now which I will elaborate more on what we are taught next blog! And later in the day my dear friend Jaclyn is putting on a baby shower for me at La Brisa and I CANNOT WAIT!

Here are some pics we have taken they are just random photos being as I still have Facebook and have posted many of them there already. WHICH I WILL BE DELETING AFTER MY BABY SHOWER ON SUNDAY!!! 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Goodbye FB Hello Blogger

Hey guys!! 

I have made the decision to delete my Facebook do to my inability to be disaplined with my usage. I have found myself using it while I should be spending time with Lola. I know there are a lot of family that keep up with us out here in Texas through the pictures and posts to Facebook, but if you have internet you can write down this blog site and be able to keep up with our family events through the blog. 
I haven't been very good at keeping up with blogs but because I won't have a Facebook anymore this will be the only way family and friends will be able to keep up with what is going on out here so I will try by absolute best to keep it updated at least twice a week.

To start with as you all know I am 35 weeks pregnant with our second baby Mr. Elijah John Amos. At 30 weeks I went into labor and the doctors were able to get it stopped which was a blessing (even though at that point I was already ready to get him out :) ) They ended up sending me to a pediatric cardioligist to check some things in his heart that the normal doctor was unsure of. They found that the ductus arteriosis was closing prematurely and were a little worried about it closing before he was born. Thankfully our prayers were answered and it resolved itself within a few weeks. I am dilated to a 1cm so we will have us a baby boy in no time (hopefully within the next few weeks). 

Our Little Sassy Lola is now 20 months old! I can't believe in the next few weeks she will be a BIG sister and just a short while after that she will be turning 2! Holy Cow where the heck did the time go??? She is learning all sorts of new things everyday. She can now say her ABC's up to D, we are working on shapes and colors as well. Her favorite word is NO. I wish that was never brought into her vocabulary but every toddler goes through this stage and she will hopefully soon grow out of it! I am amazed everyday at how smart she is and watching her mind work is the best feeling in the world! 

So there you have the update on us crazies out here in Texas and I promise I will keep up with this blog to keep you all informed of the happenings in our house! 

Have a great rest of the week and I will see you in a few days :)

<3 Amanda